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King Hussein Foundation
  King Hussein Foundation


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Queen NoorHer Majesty Queen Noor of Jordan is an international humanitarian activist and an outspoken voice on issues of world peace and justice.

She was born Lisa Najeeb Halaby to an Arab-American family distinguished for its public service. After receiving a B.A. in Architecture and Urban Planning from Princeton University in 1974, Queen Noor worked on international urban planning and design projects in Australia, Iran, the United States, and Jordan. She married His Majesty King Hussein bin Talal of Jordan in 1978.

Queen Noor plays a major role in promoting international exchange and understanding of Arab and Muslim culture and politics, Arab-Western relations, and conflict prevention and recovery issues such as refugees, missing persons, poverty and disarmament. She has also helped found media programs to highlight these issues. Her conflict recovery and peacebuilding work over the past decade has focused on the Middle East, the Balkans, Central and Southeast Asia, Latin America and Africa.

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