February 26, 2007Press Release
Contact Person: AnnMarie Ginella – Executive Director/Editor
$10 donation — 20 spaces available:
Please call John or Rose to reserve your place (707) 829-2001
Email: johnrtaylor474@yahoo.com
Come and participate in the growth of WidowSpeak and help weave a web of support for widows in your community and worldwide.
Time and a safe place will be created to share your own stories of loss, and any support you may need in coming to terms with your own, a family member’s or friend’s widowhood.
Roberta Ryan
Joan Dayton
Featuring guest speakers Roberta Ryan and Joan Dayton.
AnnMarie Ginella (Sebastopol) became a widow in 1997, at the age of thirty-six. At the time, she was the mother of three sons, with a surprise son, on the way. Three years into her widowhood, she returned to school for a M.A. in Creative Writing.
In 2005, AnnMarie founded WidowSpeak, a non-profit corporation with a literary and humanitarian mission. WidowSpeak publishes stories and news about widows and the humanitarian projects supporting them. Additionally, WidowSpeak features widows in literature, music, art and photography.
Widows in the Hood is the philanthropic arm of
WidowSpeak which pairs widows of resources with widows in need, creating global neighborhoods of widows.
At www.widow-speak.org you can read stories of widows, see a photo gallery of widows' portraits, be current with widows in the arts and in the news, and join local and global neighborhoods of widows. Their stories are heartbreaking, rich and inspiring.